Green Gloss 19mm Porcelain Circles

Sat, Jun 27, 2015
Beginners Guide to Grouting Mosaic Projects
Beginners Guide to Grouting
Allow the adhesive to cure for 24 hours prior to grouting.
Prior to grouting clean the surface of the mirror to ensure there is no loose particles etc. Also check that there is no dried adhesive is on the face of the tiles.
If there are any areas of your mosaic that you do not wish to grout cover them with masking tape or blue tack.
Mix the grout according to the manufacturer's instructions. It should be the consistency of thick oatmeal before it is applied. If you accidentally add to much water simply let it sit for a few minutes and it will thicken up, or you can add more grout. Stir until smooth. If mixing your own colour be sure to mix enough grout to cover the mosaic to ensure colour consistency. Allow the mix to stand for 10 minutes, re-stir and then the grout onto the tiles.
We suggest that you use gloves when working with grout, while it is non-toxic it can dry out your hands. You will go through a few pairs whilst grouting. Apply the grout in a diagonal motion, ensuring that the grout goes into the entire depth of the joint. Sculpt it on your edges to make a nice smooth edge, remove the excess grout with a your gloved hands or sponge. Keep a container of water next to you to wash off the sponge as you go.
Once you have covered your entire piece and filled in all of the spaces, wipe off as much of the excess grout as you can with your gloves or hands. After you do this allow the piece to sit for 20-30 minutes or until the grout becomes hazy. Then take a slightly damp sponge or cloth and wipe off the haze. Buff and shine the tiles with a dry cloth. Remove as much grout as you can from the tile surface, as it will be much harder to remove later. Do not use paper towels as they flake off and stick in your grout.
Allow the grout to dry. If placing the mosaic outside allow 3 day’s before placing it outside.
A grout sealer can be applied once the grout is dry to keep the grout clean and protected (optional).
· Safety first – use protective eye wear when nipping glass
· Never dispose of grout down the drain
· Mix grout in a disposable container for easy clean up
· We suggest that you use gloves when working with grout. While it is non-toxic it can dry out your hands. You will go through a few pairs whilst grouting.
For more grouting tips and techniques see our 'Ultimate Guide to Grouting Your Mosaic'
Legal Disclaimer: No warranty is implied by these instructions. Use at your own risk. The Mosaic Store and its proprietors are not responsible for the results of any actions taken on the basis of this information, nor for any omission in the advice. Please wear appropriate safety equipment when cutting mosaic materials and using grouts and adhesives. Keep out of reach of children.