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Fri, Aug 25, 2023

Hanging Bird Feeder Project

We're thrilled to introduce our new Hanging Bird Feeder Mosaic project! This special feeder features our beautiful new patterned glass gems in the centre of the design. It's a stunning piece of art that also serves as a feeder for birds, creating a lovely spot for them to relax. Suitable for mosaic enthusiasts of all skill levels.


We're excited to offer you our amazing handmade XL Patterned Glass Gems from The Mosaic Store! These gems are unique and beautiful, perfect for any mosaic craft project. They add a special touch that makes your design stand out, whether you use them as the main focus or to add depth and interest. Each tile has its own personality and character, making your project truly one-of-a-kind. When you combine these handmade gems with others, you'll create a stunning work of art that will impress everyone. Let your creativity shine with these exceptional handmade gems from The Mosaic Store!


Project Instructions






Step 1: Select Your Materials


Before you begin, it's always a great idea to have a concept in mind. Consider a design based on color themes, swirls, flowers, or even geometric shapes.This project showcases our new XL Patterned Glass Gems serve as a focal point in this design.


Step 2: Tile Adhesion


Apply your cement-based adhesive using a palette knife. Lay your tiles in the bead of adhesive, ensuring they are securely adhered. Before proceeding, run your hand over the mosaic to check that all tiles are firmly in place. Allow the adhesive to dry for 24 hours before moving on to the next step.


To get a good placement of the Glass Snippet tiles we recommend cutting these tiles into smaller pieces using a glass cutter.


Step 3: Grouting


For grouting, it's important to wear gloves to protect your hands from drying out. Mix a small amount of powdered grout with water until it reaches a porridge-like consistency. Apply the grout onto the tiles, making sure to rub it into the gaps between them. Once the entire mosaic is covered, remove the excess grout and allow it to dry.


Cover the birds with masking tape (or something similar) as they are unglazed. This will prevent the grout from staining the birds.


Step 4: Cleaning and Buffing


Once the grout has started to dry (it will become dull), carefully remove the excess grout with a sponge. Leave it for 24 hours, and then give the mosaic a final buff-up to remove any remaining traces of grout.


Follow these steps, and you'll have a beautiful mosaic creation to proudly display!





Green Gloss 19mm Porcelain Circles


Green Gloss 19mm Porcelain Circles - Full Sheet


'Hope' Purple Ceramic Word Heart


'Laugh' Green Ceramic Word Heart
