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Tue, Sep 19, 2023

Discover Our Amazing Mandala Mosaic Stone

Make Your Own Magical Mandala Mosaic Stone: Explore Peace and Fun!


Create a fantastic mandala stone with a lovely handmade glass centrepiece and pretty mandala-shaped tiles. It's a unique art project that's easy and brings a sense of peace.


The Mandala Stone Mosaic project is super cool and lets you have fun with mandalas. Mandalas are special designs with shapes and colours that bring calm and balance to your art. Making mosaic stones with mandala designs is easy, even if you're new to it. So, enjoy crafting and feel the peaceful vibes!



Project Instructions




We used these tiles, but you could also choose to make your own design or buy one of our Mandala Kits.

      • 9 x Orange Pointed Glass Petals
      • 9 x Blue Peacock Eye Glass Tiles
      • 9 x Red Peacock Eye Glass Tiles
      • 9 x Cobalt Blue Pointed Drops
      • 18 x Green Pointed Petals
      • 18 x Orange Glass Dots
  • Tweezers
  • Pallet knife or tool for spreading the adhesive
  • Gloves, containers, rags or sponge for grouting




  1. Choose Your Materials


2. Determine The Centre Of The Stone


Each Round Mosaic Stone has a tiny dot at its centre.


2. Adhere The Tiles


Before you begin, it's helpful to have a concept in mind for your design. Start by placing a the tiles in the following order, radiating out from the centre of the design:


  1. Adhere the Patterned Glass Cabochon at the centre of the stone. Cover the back of the cabochon with white adhesive and then place it onto the stone.
  2. Orange Pointed Glass Petals
  3. Blue Peacock Eye Glass Tiles
  4. Red Peacock Eye Glass Tiles
  5. Cobalt Blue Pointed Drops
  6. Green Pointed Petals
  7. Orange Glass Dots

The easiest way to adhere the tiles is to spread a bed of adhesive onto the mandala and position the tiles in the adhesive.


3. Grouting


When it's time to grout, remember to wear gloves to protect your hands, as the grout can dry them out. Mix a small amount of powdered grout with water until it reaches a porridge-like consistency. Apply a small amount of grout onto the tiles and work it into the gaps between them. Once you've covered the entire mosaic, remove the excess grout and let it dry.


4. Buff Clean

After the grout has started to dry and become dull, use a sponge to carefully remove the excess grout. Allow it to dry for 24 hours, and then give it a final buff-up to eliminate any remaining excess grout.


5. Adding Tile Detail


Adhere the centre dot and small petals to the top of the tiles once your grout has dried and you've buffed the grout off. Apply a small amount of clear drying adhesive to the back of the tiles and carefully place them so the adhesive doesn't come out of the sides. Clear silicone adhesive is great for this.


By following these steps, you'll finish your mosaic stone project and admire the amazing outcome of your creative work!




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